Global Business Group
Mission: Overall support to Italian
entrepreneurs to start a business in Bulgaria". Seat Servizi
Knyaz Alexander I Batenberg, Str. 4000
Plovdiv. Bulgaria
Reference Manager: Luigi Pietro Ghia Qualifica: Presidente
Activies: Training of different kinds for
Italian companies working in Bulgaria. Consulting for companies' reorganization.
Company Key
Media EOOD
Mission: Publishing house.
Seat: Sofia, Via Ianko Sakesov, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Reference Manager: Renata Bortolozzo,
Sofia. Position; Managing Director
Consulting for the research of Italian publishers willing to print books
and magazines in Bulgaria
Mission: Clothes production in Bulgaria on
behalf of Italian customers.
Seat: Nova Zagora, Bulgaria
Reference Manager in Italy: Paolo
Favaretti, Italy Rome.
Activities: Balance sheet analysis for
optimization. Consulting for internal and external process reorganization.
Consulting for new activities.
B&P, Brand and Publishing
Mission: Società editrice di studi e report
sul brand e sui rapporti tra marchi, aziende e consumatori
Seat: via Pacchiotti 123, Torino
011 75 76 293
Site: www.btpcommunication.net
Reference Manager: Paolo Cagliero Position: General Manager
Activities: Consultant for the realization of
a research on the Wellness market in
cooperation with Roma Tre University.
Publications of articles on economic and other topics
Bingo Gallura
Mission: Bingo playing and catering
Seat: Olbia, Sardinia, via dell’Acquedotto,
Tel. 0789 209 114
Activities: Market analysis for promotion
and advertisement
Reference Manager: Ing. Ubaldo D’Arconte Position: Managing Director
il Casale Srl
Mission: real estate complex building
Sede: Via Sergio Bragato, 20, 00123
Tel. 06/30893526
Activities: Business Plan for the
destination of a real estate complex.
Reference Manager, Mr. Armando Ippolito Position:
Managing Director