Scientific research based articles
Year 2018
Paper on "Business Intelligence applied in Small Size for-Profit
companies" in Procedia, Computer Science, published electronically by
ELSEVIER 1877-0509 2018
Year 2017
Paper on "Price and Pricing,
a key driver for improving profit and profitability in Organizations" Published
in October 2017 in "Fostering Entrepreneurship" edited
by PEP, Visoka
škola za poslovnu
ekonomiju i preduzetništvo. Belgrade Serbia ISBN 978-1-912009-83-1
Paper on "The Key Role of Human
Capital and Entrepreneurial Competences in Economic Growth". Published
in " The State and the Market in Economic Development: In Pursuit of
Millennium Development goals" Edited by Marko Malovic and Kartik Roy-
Published by IIDS Australian INC 31 Todd East Taranga Street Brisbane 4068
Australia; ISBN 978-0-646-94775-4-
Paper "From Human Resources
Management to Internal Marketing" Published in Journal of Current Researches on Business
and Economics. ISSN 2547-9628. International Conference of Strategic Research
inSocial Science and Education (ICoSReSSE), Prague
Paper on "CRM,
a Fundamental Strategy for
Companies' Survival and Development" on the occasion of the VIIth International Scientific Conference for
Education, Science and Innovation" held in
EPU, European Polytechnical University, Pernik (BG)
Paper on "CRM, Business Intelligence, and their
impact on companies' performance". International Scientific Conference
Telecommunications, Informatics,
Energy and Management, Sandanski, Bulgaria. ISSN
Year 2016
Paper on “Critical aspects related to optimum volume of sales and indiscriminate
sales policies. Published in October 2016
in "Challenges to Promoting
Entrepreneurship, Leadership and competitiveness. Edited
by PEP, Visoka
škola za poslovnu
ekonomiju i preduzetništvo. Belgrade Serbia ISBN 978-1-4951-7656-2
Paper on “Critical aspects
in business communication. Published in
October 2016 in "Challenges
to Promoting Entrepreneurship, Leadership and
competitiveness. Edited by PEP, Visoka
škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo.
Belgrade Serbia ISBN 978-1-4951-7656-2
Paper on "Entrepreneurial
competences, Managerial skills and their impact on company's management"
Published electronically by the University Press of Kliment
Ohridski, University, Faculty of Philosophy, department of Social, Work and
Educational Psychology, Sofia, Bulgaria.
June 2016. ISBN 978-954-07-4120-8,
Year 2015
Paper on “Managerial accounting and business decision making".
Published in "Challenges to Promoting Entrepreneurship,
Leadership and competitiveness. Edited by PEP, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo. October
2015. Belgrade Serbia. ISBN978-86-60-69-116-5.
Paper on “Human Resources, management, business and social
development". Published
electronically by the University Press of Kliment Ohridski,University,Faculty of
Philosophy, department of
Social, Work and Educational Psychology,
Sofia, Bulgaria. June 2015. ISBN
978-954-07-3946, see page 377
Il Crm e il valore del cliente. Text: Marketing. Peter, Donnelley, Pratesi. Mc Graw Hill. 2017, chapter 10 (Isbn 978 -88- 386-6919-4)
Il pricing e la funzione di
domanda. Text: Marketing. Peter, Donnelley, Pratesi. Mc Graw Hill 2017,
Chapter 15 (Isbn 978 -88- 386-6919-4)
Critical Aspects in
Business Communication. Text: Entrepreurship:
Types, current trends and future perspectives. Edited by PEP, Visoka škola
za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo.
Belgrade Serbia ISBN 978-1-5323-2194-8
Articles on economic
Verso il 29bis?, article on Finance and “real” Economy published in a supplement in Panorama and Economy, December 2010 (Isbn 977172293800101052)
“Sciare”, article on territorial and tourism marketing related to skiing, a published in a
supplement in Panorama and Economy, December
2009 (Isbn 977 172 293 8001/90950)
Articles on other topics
Golf e Wellness, article on golf and its
relationship with wellness, published in a supplement in Panorama and Economy, April 2011 (Isbn 977172293800111116)
La Comunicazione, il ponte verso il Wellness”, article on communication and its relationship with
wellness, published in a supplement in
Panorama and Economy, March 2010 (Isbn
977 172 293 8001/90950)
Il “Wellness”,
article published in a supplement in
Panorama and Economy, July 2009
(Isbn 977 172 2938001/90930)
Lecture notes for University courses